There, uncheck the ones that you want to remove and click. Once you do, all the different tracks of the file will be displayed on the app. "Media Player Classic (Gabest)"="SOFTWARE\\Clients\\Media\\Media Player Classic Files\\mplayerc.exe\" Files\\mplayerc.exe\" Files\\mplayerc.exe\" Files\\mplayerc.exe\" Files\\mplayerc. To do this, start by adding the video file to MKVToolNix. Press Ctrl+A to select all chapters, right-click and choose 'Add to queue'. Right-click on the MKV file, and select 'Show Chapters'.

Navigate to your chapter file, select it, and click 'Open'. In the 'Chapter File:' field, click the blue folder icon to open a navigation window to open your chapter file. In the tab, click on the 'Output' tab, and on the right side of the window you'll find the 'Chapters' group. organization of data on drives formatted for use with Macintosh computers. In MKVToolNix, open a new tab if one is not already open. "ApplicationName"="Media Player Classic (Gabest)" On the top left toolbar, click on File > Open File to import MKV files or via the drag-and-drop mode. retains the right to make alterations to the content. "ApplicationIcon"="C:\\Program Files\\mplayerc.exe,0" Click the Guide in the upper right corner of the GUI main window for more tutorials on how to edit.

"ApplicationDescription"="One of the most powerful, configurable multimedia players for Windows operating system, made by a Hungarian developer known as Gabest." How to get more tutorials using Best Easiest Movie Editor. Here is the one i use to associate mainly video files with Media Player Classic (Gabest) in windows 7: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 I'm using Linux but MKVmerge GUI is available for OSX and Windows too.MKVmerge GUI download (multi-platform).